Monday, August 23, 2010

Does anybody know of a website that reviews dermatologists?

Im looking for a good dermatologist that likes to treat acne? Would like to read online opinions from others in the Los Angeles Sanfernando Valley region.|||Click the link below for 2 profiled cosmetic dermatology specialists..鈥?/a>

They are located within LA %26amp; they serve the San Fernando/Burbank area. You can view their websites. Look at the bottom of the page to see their profile.

Click here for more dermatologists that serve the San Fernando Valley area..鈥?/a>

You seems to suffer from acne. I found a product that works a LOT better than Proactiv %26amp; a LOT CHEAPER than Proavtiv %26amp; any other acne poducts!! They have been selling their products like HOT cakes since October 1999! Not sold in stores! They have LOADS of reviews %26amp; feedbacks you can read! If you%26#039;re interested, send me an email %26amp; I give you the website %26amp; their eBay Stores links. I can%26#039;t just post the link here. It%26#039;s spamming.

GOOD LUCK!!|||ok here it is: ( i found it on the internet)

Dermatologists (Skin Care Doctors)

What are dermatologists?

Dermatologists, or skin care doctors, have expertise in the care of normal skin, as well as in the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of skin diseases, including skin cancers. Dermatologists can also diagnose and treat patients with disorders affecting the hair and nails. In addition, dermatologists are knowledgeable in the management of cosmetic disorders of the skin (such as hair loss and scars).

What do dermatologists do?

Dermatologists often perform specialized diagnostic procedures related to skin conditions. These doctors use treatments including:

Externally applied, injected, and internal medicines

Ultraviolet light therapy

A range of dermatologic surgical procedures

Cosmetic procedures such as chemical peels, sclerotherapy (used for conditions like varicose veins) and micro-dermabrasion (a procedure to exfoliate the skin)

Dermatologists might have training and experience in areas such as electrosurgery (surgical use of high-frequency electric current for cutting or destroying tissue), cryosurgery (which involves freezing tissue), laser surgery, and excision surgery (involving removal by cutting) with appropriate closures (including skin grafts).

Certification of dermatologists

The certification process for dermatologists includes a comprehensive examination administered by the American Board of Dermatology. With this background and knowledge, dermatologists are singularly qualified to diagnose and treat a wide variety of dermatologic (skin-related) conditions.

hope this helps

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