Monday, November 21, 2011

Choosing future job? Anyone doctor/surgen/dermatologist? help?

In CALM class my classmates and i have to chose a job that interest us and to spend the rest of our life in it. It is very hard to chose since im only in grade 10, but i chose to be a dermatologist becaouse of interested in helping poeple. But i always wonder, is university and medical school hard? is it very hard to be a dermatologist? please help!! im in grade 10 and i have to chose somthing that will infleunce me for the rest of my life! does anyone have any experince with medical school or ones that are docters that are similar to dermatologist, please give me adice and suggestions|||hey i wanna be a dermatologist as well. of course medical school is gonna be hard, even for 4.0 GPA students. Becoming any kind of doctor will be hard and it is also a very long way, but at the end it will be worth it.|||Are you serious? Dermatologists are medical specialists with medical degrees and at least four years of training after medical school. Dermatology is a very competitive residency and you must be at the top of your medical school to get a position. No offense, but unless your written communications skills improve demonstrably, you have no chance.

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