Monday, November 21, 2011

How can I get a dermatologist to prescribe me accutane?

I am sick and tired of the damn acne on my back. My face is 99% clear, my chest is 98% clear, but my back flares and is a mess. I do EVERYTHING I can to get rid of it. anti-bacterial body wash 2x a day, Salicylic Acid pads a few times a day, prescription stuff on my back in the shower, ETC.

But here is the problem. Since its became such a big problem for me Ive been doing everything in my power to get rid of it so most people would actually say %26quot;its not that bad%26quot;. BUT I WANT IT GONE! I dont want to have to think about it everytime I take my shirt off, and be self conscious.

I am a bodybuilder and I%26#039;m scared to take my friggin shirt off!!!

I know the sides, and I%26#039;m ok with them. I am a healthy 20 year old male.

Please dont give me tips on getting rid of acne, i%26#039;ve tried them all including tanning.|||You said you%26#039;re a bodybuilder...any chance you%26#039;re using steroids of any sort? Those can cause %26quot;bacne%26quot;.

Just go to the derm and say, I%26#039;ve tried everything and it%26#039;s still bothering me, do you think Accutane would help. And see what they say.

Btw, tanning doesn%26#039;t help acne, it%26#039;s a myth. It just temporarily dries out the skin and makes it look better.

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