Monday, November 21, 2011

I have been seeing a dermatologist about a crotch & scrotum rash for nearly a year now to no avail.?

OTC: I have tried Tolnaftate, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Terbinafine, Tioconazole, Butoconazole. I have tried Neosporin, Hyrdocortisone, Benadryl Cream, Zinc Oxide, Betadine, Permethrin, Selsun Blue, Head and Shoulders. I have tried Aloe, Shea Butter, Coco butter, Vitamin E, Collagen, Elastin, dimethicone, glycerine.

RX: ORALLY: I have tried Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Cipro. Diflucan.

Topically: Iodoquinol (Vytone), ketaconozole, oxiconazole, triamcinolone, Betamethasone.

%26quot;Naturopathically%26quot;: ORALLY: Yeast-fighting supplements containing loads of ingredients such as Caprylic Acid, Garlic, Oregano, Tumeric, Thyme, FOS and more. I%26#039;ve tried large dosing of PROBIOTICS. I%26#039;ve tried general skin health supplements such as those containing A, D %26amp; E to name a few. I%26#039;ve tried Neem Leaf.

Topically: I tried applying plain, sugar-free, pure Yogurt. I%26#039;ve tried NEEM OIL.

FINALLY: I have tried even going 2 weeks doing nothing except washing with an ultra sensitive skin soap once daily.

OF ALL THIS, THE ONLY THING THAT HAS HELPED ONE IOTA IS NEEM OIL. Even with neem oil helping, I stll feel discontent b/c

1) It doesn%26#039;t cure me, merely treats me. It is truly astounding the improvement NEEM oil makes. The rash is normally VERY red and burns from the top of one thigh to the other and all over the scrotum. Neem oil makes it very nearly disappear.

2) If I stop using NEEM oil even one day, the rash returns full-force.

3) This offers no explanation as to what is wrong.

4) Neem oil is not covered by insurance and gets a skosh expensive.

5) This also seems to agitate my doctor as if she is highly offended that some Ayuverdic treatment I found on my own is the only thing that is effective.

The doctor has given many diagnoses and on some visits even not offered a diagnosis and merely tried something new. Diagnoses include: Erythrasma, Yeast Infection, Extreme Jock Itch (This is her favorite. She most recently returned to this same diagnosis after giving it months earlier). She has also said she thinks it may be (and I may get this wrong) some form of seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis (however, photos I see on the internet do not resemble this rash at all). Intertrigo. Even Diabetes, but we tested, and thankfully, I do not have diabetes. I made a trip to another doctor to see what the other doc would say. This doc also said Jock Itch. It seems the popular answer for a 38-year male with rawness %26quot;down there,%26quot; even after reporting utter failure to respond to antifungals and expressing that it has lasted for months.

Any ideas anyone? Any recommendations? Please help. Thank you.|||possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here is the resource i have ever had good experience.

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