Monday, November 21, 2011

Somethings going on with my skin! Dermatologist's Help!?

Okay so my denim skirt was laying in our garage sale for awileand got tossed around a lot outside. I put it on yesterday and while having it on it felt something stung me and started feeling like a splinter. When I took it off, I ran my fingers along the tops of my thoighs and it felt like there were a couple of splinters but I wasnt sure if it was. I touched it and it felt REALLY itchy!!! so i couldnt resist but to itch. NOW i have huge spots on my upper thighs and along my bikini line too. (ssorry i had to say that though). I really need to know what it is! Obviously im going to a dermatoligst but i was wodnering if anyon could tell me now before the appointment cuase the suspense is killing me!!|||Probably a flea bite, but I%26#039;m not a dermo....|||Maybe it was because a dirty material kept rubbing against your skin and caused a small rash. I would suggest an aloe lotion.|||that stinks, it might be an allergic reaction to a bee or spider sting/ bite|||poison oak or poison ivy is what it sounds like to me

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