Saturday, July 24, 2010

Went to dermatologist?

okay, just went to dermatologist and I was trying to tell him my story of how i was taking vitamin c pills, 2500% daily value, and niacin at night 2000% dv, and then when I stopped taking them, my face turned pale. He didnt hear me out and prescribed me all these things I didnt need. I was literally in there for a minute and got all these prescriptions and a bill.

So, what should I do. My skin is still pale white, and Im black, and im super depressed and I dont know what to do. Can anyone explain this to me?|||Sounds like he couldn%26#039;t give a monkey and jus wanted to get get through he%26#039;s day. Don%26#039;t understand how the doc can prescribe u something that he doesn%26#039;t have enough info on especially in a minute. He may examine the appearance but did he ask if there was any symptoms, u using anything apart from the vitamins, etc. Get a second opinion wid a different doc...try to get a recommended one.|||Try researching it on the web. That%26#039;s a problem these days, doctor%26#039;s do not listen. I had a heart cath because the doctor%26#039;s would not listen, and that is a serious procedure to go through for nothing. Researched my problem on the web, found it was lack of magnesium. Thing of it is, my hair tuned white at age 18, and I liked it. Now that I am taking magnesium, it is turning back to dark. I don%26#039;t like it so I just bleach it out, white again. Maybe your body does need the minerals you were taking, but do some research on your own, and see what you can find. I was about to be sent for more tests, sure saved myself some big bills. Take a look at and see if you can find your answer there.|||You should have made him listen. Call him or get a second opinion.

As for the pale skin, well I don%26#039;t know about taking Vitamin C internally, but Vitamic C in moisturizers (L%26#039;Oreal has some good ones) stimulates the skin which in turn increases blood flow. They usually recommend it to people with sallow (yellow or pale color) skin or just dull skin in general to brighten up their complexion. I used it and it does work but it doesn%26#039;t last all day. My other suggestion is taking Vitamin B supplements which also aids blood flow in the body. My co-worker takes them and she has an immediate flush afterward. Again, not a long term solution. I%26#039;m not a dr. either, just making suggestions. Good luck!|||Try taking the vitamin c again?

I hate doctors like this ugh!

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