Monday, August 23, 2010

How do I see a dermatologist (U.K.) regarding cosmetic concerns?

I%26#039;d like to see a dermatologist to ask his or her opinion on cosmetic procedures like the ones offered by laser clinics etc, so how do I do this?

I%26#039;ve heard that you need to go through your GP first, but can I ask my GP to refer me to a dermatologist for cosmetic reasons, rather than medical?

I also don%26#039;t know whether to tell them about my mental health, as I suffer from depression and social anxiety, and I have heard that cosmetic practitioners do not like operating on people with %26#039;unstable mental health%26#039;, for obvious reasons, though I myself am quite realistic on the limitations of cosmetic procedures.

However, because I have very little money and want the procedure done as soon as possible - I go to uni in October - would it be better to tell my GP the reason I want the procedure? I have heard that - on an unrelated field - that mole removal can be done cosmetically at no cost on the NHS if the patient is self-conscious about it and the scarring that could be left by a basic excision (how it is done on the NHS...). Would this be similar for cosmetic laser surgery do you think?

Any advice greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.|||I%26#039;ve just finished my rotation in a dermatology department in the UK, so I hope I can help. I%26#039;m not sure what you mena by %26quot;cosmetic%26quot; and %26quot;medical%26quot; . If you have any problem whatsoever and it is affecting your confidence and social behaviour, explain this to your GP and they will do their best to help you (on the NHS). Be completely honest with them, its the easiest way for you to get the right treatment for you.

You can%26#039;t be referred to any dermatology clinic without going to your GP first. Discuss it with your GP, he/she will tell you all the options available to you and will suggest what is the best action to take.

Also, I%26#039;m sorry, but as your GP will be referring you to the consultant they will know the relevant bits from your medical history, however I dont think that your depression will limit your chances of surgery at all. Most patient%26#039;s I have seen were being opereated on BECAUSE it effected them psychologically.

About the mole removal, yes! It is the most common procedure done in see-and-treat clinics in dermatology. You go in, they look, if they are worried about it they whip it off and you go straight home again. However I haven%26#039;t seen any %26quot;cosmetic laser surgery%26quot; so I wouldn%26#039;t be able to help you with that. It would be easier if you explain what it is you want- are you sure surgery is the best option for you?|||You won%26#039;t get any cosmetic procedures on the NHS unless you have very serious reasons for it, you can discuss it with your GP.|||sorry this question is about to be deleted

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