Monday, August 23, 2010

Should I go to a dermatologist?

I am 21 years old, female, and I considered myself to have mild acne. I%26#039;ve been struggling with it since high school, but the last year has been bad. It seems like every time i get my period, I have a huge breakout, usually on my chin. and whenever I finally get them somewhat under control, they come back. And I have scars from previous breakouts that won%26#039;t go away. I don%26#039;t know if anyone has had this problem, or if I should go to a dermatologist? I don%26#039;t even know if my insurance covers it. Any tips would be great. Thanks to everyone.|||yes go|||Go see a dermatologist. Get an expert opinion. In the meantime - dissolve 1 aspirin in 2 tablespoons of water and use a q-tip to dab that on the breakout - twice a day. It can be very drying so just put it on the pimple. I got adult acne and this worked really well for me.|||if you have a skin question or have spent any time in the sun, seeking the advice of the skin professional is prudent.

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