Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How effictive is a dermatologist?

me and my friend started a rap group a while ago. but i havent been in that city, because i moved. we recorded 3 songs before i moved and we got really popular. my city is big. and while we were recording the songs i wasnt actually staying in the city. so now summer is coming up, and we plan on releasing a lot more songs and taking everything to the next level. unfortunatly, i have acne. and that is really bad when your trying to do this kind of stuff. we plan on performing at parties and things like that so i definently dont want to have to worry about acne. its not just acne, i have acne scars. as well as some redness on my face. i finally talked my mom in 2 making me a dermatologist appointment on april 18. im going back 2 my city early june. do u think i will have a chance 2 have a clearer face by then? i havent been 2 a dermatologist before so im not sure what they can do...|||dpends how bad it is

it should clear idf your skin is adverage in 4-7 weeks|||theyre are very effective

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