Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can/Will a dermatologist take off pimple marks (almost 7 months old)?

I had a massive breakout when I had turned 14, somewhere in October %26amp; I broke out all over my cheeks, never had a problem with my forehead but it%26#039;s always my cheeks. Embarassingly, I have not a lot but enough to make me nuts as if I have acne, which I have never had before %26amp; I don%26#039;t have acne so PLEASE PEOPLE I DON%26#039;T WANT TO HEAR ANY ACNE CRAP.

My question is, has anyone ever had pimple marks that has gone to a dermatologist for them %26amp; he/she prescribed you something or told you to get something or did he take them off? How much was it for the procedure? Sorry for the questions guys but I just want this off more than anything.


I want to go to a dermatologist, so for you people who don%26#039;t look at the question %26amp; just talk about acne %26amp; home remedies, here it is again.

*Has anyone ever had pimple marks that has gone to a dermatologist for them %26amp; he/she prescribed you something or told you to get something or did he take them off? What was the cost?*|||laser treatments worked on my acne scars but it is expensive.|||A mark, left behind by a wound (blemish, pimple, zit) is a scar.

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